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Foot reflexology with Kasia

Hello Beautiful Souls

I'm Kasia and I feel privileged to be in service to you.

Reflexology became part of my journey 6 years ago when I was going through a massive transition and transformation of my life. When I look back I can say it saved my life, brought me back on the right track, helped me to deal with anxiety and severe depression I experienced at that time. As you probably know, sometimes in the biggest darkness we find our true purpose and meaning of life. I knew that mine was to share a healing and peace that reflexology can bring to people's lives. 

So what is Reflexology?

  This ancient form of therapy focuses on healing in the body by activating certain pressure points in the hands and feet. Reflexology is based on the idea that specific reflex areas interact with our vital organs and the overall functioning of our bodies.

Reflexology  uses gentle pressure on specific points along your feet (and possibly on your hands or ears as well) to help you feel better.

According to zone theory, a foot is divided into five zones that run from toe to heel: The big toe is zone 1, and the pinky toe is zone 5. The body is divided into 10 zones that run from head to foot. Zone 1 aligns with the left and right center of the body, and zone 5 aligns with the left and right sides of the body. When you place pressure on zone 1 in the foot, it can relieve pain in the part of the body that’s linked to that area.

A theory that dates back to the 19th century suggests that reflexology works by stimulating the nervous system. Pressing on areas of the feet in a calming way stimulates the nerves there, which sends a message to the central nervous system. This helps to relax the body and has positive effects on your breathing, blood flow, immune response, and more.

Another theory suggests that reflexology helps offset the way that your brain registers pain. When your feet are massaged, the relaxing sensations may help relieve stress and improve your mood, which may make you less inclined to perceive pain as deeply.

Still another theory suggests that your body contains “vital energy” that is affected by stress. If you don’t work to relieve the stress, your body may not work as well as it should, which may lead to aches or illness. Reflexology is thought to help you maintain the flow of vital energy through your body.

What are the benefits of having reflexology treatment?


  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Tension or migraine headaches

  • Arthritis

  • Menopause

  • Infertility

  • High Fever

  • Menstrual pain

  • Back pain

  • Digestive issues

  • Constipation


  • Deeper sleep

  • Improved digestion

  • Increased cell function

  • Healthier skin

  • Breakdown of congestion

  • Improved mobility and flexibility

  • Improved circulation

  • Strong Immune System

Who May Benefit From Reflexology?

People with various health conditions can benefit from reflexology. For example, those who have had strokes might use reflexology as an alternative therapy to recover. Research has shown that reflexology might also relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), a nervous system disorder.

Some evidence suggests that reflexology might improve the loss of sensations and burning sensations that occur in the hands and feet of people with diabetes. Reflexology may also improve pain in people with diabetic neuropathy, or a type of nerve damage.

What Reflexology doesn't do?

Reflexology is complementary to medical treatments. It can be done alongside traditional care, but it’s not an alternative to it, and reflexologists don’t diagnose or treat illnesses.

What You Can Expect During a Reflexology Session

To get to know you and make sure that reflexology is right for you, I will start by asking questions about your health, what you eat, your lifestyle, and any conditions you have.

In Healthy Vibes we provide soothing, relaxing , safe space.. You will lie down on a massage table and you’ll keep your clothes on, but wear something comfortable so you can better relax.

Reflexology begins by gently smoothing oil or cream on your feet. Next, I will put mild to moderate pressure on one foot at a time using different techniques. I might return to certain pressure points a second time, but I'll cover the entire area during the session, not just the points connected to any trouble spots you might have.

Sessions are usually  60 minutes long. At some point, you might feel so relaxed that you fall asleep, or you could feel a rush of emotions as energy moves through your body. Afterward, you could feel energized or have a sense of calm.


The effects of reflexology are unique to the individual. While some will experience a sense of relaxation and well-being, others find it to be quite energizing. Your body’s response to the treatment could be instantaneous, however, most people usually notice the full benefits after 4-6 sessions.


After-care for treatments is crucial to its efficacy. In order to aid the healing process and gain the maximum benefits, in the 12 hours after treatment you should:


Do your best to drink plenty of water to help flush the excess toxins and waste released by the reflexology. Pro-tip: hydrating your body before treatment is equally as important. Staying hydrated will prevent excess soreness, improve metabolic waste, and aid in detoxification. Aim to drink half 2-3l of water, especially on treatment days.


Avoid heavy meals for up to two hours after your treatment. While nourishment is important, eating a large meal will divert blood to your digestive tracts, rather than to the areas of the body needing the oxygen and nutrients for healing. If needed, consider eating a light snack such as a piece of fruit or some veggies.


Beverages such as coffee, teas, and sodas contain stimulants that can dehydrate your body and increase your heart rate. This can trigger or elevate symptoms of anxiety, potentially counteracting the benefits of your reflexology treatment.


This is an extremely important substance to avoid after a treatment. Alcohol has diuretic effects, impairs judgment, and can undo the benefits reaped from treatment. Try to avoid alcohol and smoking for up to 24 hours, as the effects are intensified post-treatment.


It’s important to let your body recover naturally after a session of reflexology. Give your body time to relax during the day and be sure to indulge in a good night’s sleep.


With any treatment, there is the possibility of experiencing some temporary negative symptoms. This is called the Healing Crisis. Any side effects should pass within 24 hours and can be minimized by following the tips above. However, don’t be concerned if you experience mild effects of the following symptoms:

  • A temporary worsening of your symptoms

  • Fatigue

  • Chills (feeling hot and cold)

  • Intensified emotions

  • Headache

  • Irritability or restlessness

  • Clamminess of the hands and feet

  • Runny nose

  • Skin reaction

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Diarrhea

Contraindications to Reflexology treatment.

While reflexology is an extremely safe healing practice, it is important to be aware of a few contraindications or times when reflexology might not be a wise choice. These contraindications include:

Foot injuries

Patients with foot fractures, unhealed wounds, or active gout in the foot should avoid reflexology. Patients with osteoarthritis that impacts the foot or ankle, or those with vascular disease of the legs or feet, should consult with their primary provider prior to beginning reflexology on the feet. You can, however, still get reflexology treatment on your hands.


For women in early pregnancy (the first 6 weeks), the reflexology session is altered by treating the uterine and ovarian reflex points more gently or by avoiding them altogether. In general, caution should be exercised during pregnancy because of reports that stimulation may cause contractions.

Blood clotting issues

Clients who report current thrombosis or embolism (which is an obstruction of the pulmonary artery or a branch of it by a free-floating blood clot or embolus) should not receive reflexology therapy. Since reflexology improves circulation, it could potentially cause a clot to move towards the heart or brain.

Open wounds

In general, practitioners will stay away from open wounds, and may choose to wear plastic gloves or not to treat areas that are compromised.


It’s important to explore your options when it comes to forms of physical therapy. Reflexology is a great option to reduce stress and increase the feeling of relaxation, amongst other benefits. If you are still unsure and have any questions please reach  out to me so we can decide which treatments would be most beneficial to you.

You can book your first session for foot reflexology on the website

If you have any questions - contact me please :

With love 


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